Friday, March 29, 2013

what makes you different...makes you beautiful - backstreet boys

What makes someone an expert? Something about spending over 10,000 hours on something. Yeah, I mean I'm pretty sure if you invest that much time in something, you're an expert. I might also argue that having the ability to teach something back to someone in lots of different ways also makes you an expert. I'm surrounded all the time with these people who are SUCH experts, and it's sort of overwhelming. I feel like a baby in my corporate life, studying everyone around me with wide eyes, wondering "how did you learn such BIG words, and how did you arrange them in such a way as to make whatever you're saying as absurdly confusing as possible?".

I mean, it's really great to realize you're in process, constantly moving toward whoever You are, while constantly maintaining a You that can be identified by people who know you. Isn't it weird? That the same You today is your You tomorrow> Which is funny, because my mind changes on a minute by minute basis. Tangent. Anyway - as you start to think about what everyone else seems to know and you do not, you inevitably begin to think about what you DO know. What makes you intelligent?

Let me just tell you. Y'all. I'm an expert at some things. I've probably worn out this topic with some of my friends, but it's so fun to think about and makes you feel so special that I feel as if the internet would also like to think about it. I am an expert at the following VERY important things:

  • Biting my nails. I've even gotten good at hiding it from the people who constantly tell me to stop.
  • Finding letters on my phone to text when I'm not looking at it.
  • Parallel parking. No - for real. Ask anyone. We won't talk about the number of cars I've "tapped".
  • Being honest.
  • Consuming more food than most other females.
  • Falling asleep anywhere. Anywhere. ANYWHERE.
  • Correcting comma errors.
  • Drinking coffee as slowly as possible. It's 3:38 pm. I'm still on my morning cup. It's cold - so what.
  • Breaking into houses with credit cards**
  • Not throwing up. 6 years and counting.
  • Getting to work 15 minutes after waking up with hair fixed, face make-uped, breakfast digested, and teeth licked enough times to convince anyone that I actually brushed my teeth. The key is doing all of those things at once.
  • Doing the Sit and Reach better than anyone else (you should have seen the jealous stares I got on Fitness Day in elementary if chin ups are cooler...this is not an out of date skill, btw. Let's go sometime.)
  • Recalling so so so so many things in my long term memory.
  • Asking questions and appearing just curious enough to [sometimes] get away with just being ditsy and not completely ignorant and naive.
  • Laughing at my own jokes.
  • Laughing at jokes that people have to repeat because I didn't hear them and still thinking they're hilarious.
I mean, yes, I just dug pretty deep, but confidence in oneself has to start someplace. I can't pretend I'm so excellent that I'm going to change the world. In the end I may not really make a dent in history...Let's face it, once I die and everyone I once knew has died, there will be no one to say "remember that expert, Stephanie? Damn, could she parallel park." But I do like to think about this moment in time that I have this purpose - eternal purpose of course, but more so the purpose of now..of deepening my roots in this broken earth, creating bonds with people who are needy like me, pouring the "syrup" of love onto humanity (Away We Go movie scene anyone?) - the mortar that holds these crumbling bricks called people together. At the end of the day, I feel like most experts sort of become as such without realizing it. Investment in something is about time and energy and loving something so much that it becomes second nature. (You may more appropriately call my list of greatness "habits", but that's a tad too cynical for me.) Honestly, experts are awesome and all, but it's those wise people I respect, because wisdom implies some sort of humility juxtaposed with expertise...Anyway, what's your expertise?

**It only works if the door handle is the only part locked

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