How did this happen? I have an awesome sister in law who is an editor at a publishing co and called out for writers just before Christmas; so I submitted a story. What does this mean for me? It really just means that 5 year old Stephanie Parker is getting one of her prayers answered. It's funny how a dream you have as a little kid can become a reality when you don't even realize it's a dream anymore. You realize it's a dream again when someone calls you to say "they liked your story. Want to write for us?" and your heart swells like it did when you were little and imagined being published. If I somehow get my other dream to be a meteorologist, I'll know God was listening. wink.
While most of life is this series of "wait...why?", it's an incredible gift to occasionally see the other side. I'm not really sure why I got a degree in sign language interpreting besides that sign language is cool. But in a lot of ways, it forced me to look beyond my major at what I wanted to do. I knew during my internship that while I love the deaf community, I was not cut out for interpreting - it was a job where I essentially had no voice, no opinion. I was someone else's voice. But if anyone knows me for about 2 minutes, they realize that I can't not have an opinion about something. Thus, writing. I get to do something where I am using my words and expressing my thoughts. Even if this is the only time in my life I am published, I am so excited to have my ridiculous brain written down on real PAGES. I'll keep you updated on where this takes me down the road, because I officially do not have any foresight into what is next. But, if you would be so kind as to direct me to a field where I can do everything I love all at once - writing, deaf advocacy, editing, the homeless community, communications, and coffee, that would be great. Thanks.
Ooh! Here's a fun read if you're interested in trains and writing and enjoying both for free.
I'm so proud of you Steph!! I can't wait to buy your books :)