Some things of which recently I am certain or aware:
-just as sure as my southern accent and my constant craving for chocolate is everyone's desire to be important
-I love to write.
-I am probably more inspired by Carrie Bradshaw and Anne Lamott and my husband than I should be.
-It is a always a good idea to not where pants at home.
-Accumulated dog hair is among the top most frustrating predicaments in my life. Along with impatience, cellulite, washing dishes, being blunt,and mushrooms.
-Contrarily, my dog and all of her isms are among the top sweetest joys in my life.
-My mom should write a book because I think she has more to say than she says. If she did write one, it would likely sell millions, but even if it sold only a few, at least a few more anointed people would value from her thoughts.
-I openly admit that I legitimately and regularly think a glass of wine makes me more intelligent. It doesn't.
-Many of the people I most admire have turned out to be on some type of medication.
-I express myself in complicated ways. I've noticed if I pause too long, people stop listening.
-I am not limited by what my degree is in or not in.
-I will always have best friends who don't live in the same city as me.
-I'm not 12. or 16. or even 21. I'm old.
-I'm a sensitive soul...though I seem thick-skinned.
-I just added that last part for fun.
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