Wednesday, June 1, 2011

word vomit

So. Having married 2 and a half weeks ago, gotten and started a new job at Coffee and Chocolate 4 or 5 days a week, and begun my internship at Knoxville Center of the Deaf 8:30 to 5 Tuesdays through Fridays (and when I'm not at those places, I'm sleeping to regain sanity), I've realized a few things about myself. I could NOT have a 9-5 desk job. Ever. I cannot sit for that long, I can't stay awake when I'm sitting, I hate doing paperwork, I hate filing, I hate feeling like my lunch is sitting in a pit in my stomach and slowly going to invade my thigh fat cells, and I feel like I am not supposed to be used for that purpose in life. Also I've realized that I need at least two hours a day to calm down, not do anything, be in a comfortable spot, read, pet my dog, talk to my husband, drink coffee or wine, pray, spend time with Jesus, have a coffee date with my friends, etc. Or else I do not feel like a human being. I feel like I am just doing what most people in the world fall into--the monotony on life, work every day-sometimes on weekends, constantly wearing work uniforms, rarely laughing hysterically, forgetting their hobbies... What about travel? What about running? And music and movies and talking to people about important things? I feel like people don't know how to have fun. Most of the people I work with wear outfits from the '80s, don't bother to put on make up, and are craaaaabby if we get one too many phone calls in the office. No wonder these people seem to have no joy--they don't do joyful things! Sit outside when it's cool, eat dessert, watch the sunset...Stop washing all the dishes, putting the house in perfect order, and falling into bed with a hard day's sigh. Love others and love yourself. Maybe it seems selfish. But if you don't take care of your soul, you can't take care of others. I hate being busy. Why does the world run on one speed? Why is everyone so concerned with being "on time" and doing things most efficiently? Sometimes in order to curb my OCD tendencies and slow down the need for "efficient" in my life, I purposefully leave a dirty cup in my car or drive 5 mph under the speed limit, or let Mina play outside for longer than just long enough for her to pee. So what if everyone thinks you're the greatest? If people think you're the greatest because you are punctual and clean and not emotionally messy, what does that make you? A clean, punctual person. Great. I feel like dependable means more than being on time and not stepping on anyone's toes. I would rather be able to stop and listen, stop and pray, and be dependent on Someone else who does have His shit together. I don't.

The moral of the story is. A. I hope this mentality doesn't get me fired one day. B. I think I might be more faithful to friends than work. C. is any of this even Biblical?


  1. You are wise beyond your years, dear sis. There is loads of wisdom in your post, and it is challenging to me, the "efficient" one. Although no one "thinks I'm the greatest because I am punctual," (I don't think I've ever been accused of being that), I do have a tendency to control the mess around me in the hopes of controlling the mess inside. I'm 13 years older than you, and I am only now realizing the futility of this pursuit. I am thankful to God (Who has His shit together - what a great way to sum up the Gospel) for showing this stuff to you so young. Believe me when I say the time you are spending working 9-5 is not pointless. You are learning a lot...even if what you're learning is solidifying what you stated above. I love you and am, as always, so proud of you!!

  2. DITTO. Keep writing about all of this- you are getting it WAY before your other big sis, too. I panicked today because I had invited some of our favorite new friends over to celebrate the last day of school(jail). . . and because I have just enjoyed my family this long weekend, seized the moment to spend some quality time with Aiden, my house WAS a mess, and the outside was a bigger mess! I asked Jesus to help me get a FREAKIN' grip, and celebrate, enjoy the first day of summer vacation, and my beautiful children and their buddies, and their mom's. It was awesome. I am so tired i can hardly see straight, but I can fall into bed tonight exhausted. :) keep this attitude, but honor those who have given you a job to either pay your bills, or get yourself educated. :) i love you, and can't wait to hug your neck soon.
