About a week before I left for South Africa, Hope and I ventured to Oxford, England. Side note: I have learned sort of to defeat the train system. If you buy a ticket to one place and then buy a separate ticket from that place to your intended destination, it’s usually much cheaper to split it up. The one place I haven’t figured out is trains to London. Splitting it up doesn’t usually matter. Which is sort of my dilemma now trying to get back to London cheaply at the end of this week in order to fly out on June 1st.
Anyway, at Oxford, I met up with Hope early in the morning, and despite the rain that insisted on falling all day, we were so excited to see each other. She is really one of the greatest girls ever, and I’m so glad we have become friends while studying abroad. We went to the Eagle and Child, where C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien met often with their group of friends, which they nicknamed the "Inklings". They both taught at Oxford. Lunch was good, and Hope and I ate with her friends from Prague. Then we walked around visiting cool shops, taking pictures, seeing the important sites, like Christ Church (the inspiration for Hogwarts in Harry Potter movies) and searching for C.S. Lewis’s grave. We found it.
After buying a large comfy Oxford sweatshirt, my train was due to leave, so I headed back to Swansea. That week I wrote my final story for my creative writing class, and it was not my best work. I got a B on it, so I think my professor wasn’t so impressed either. He did say however, “You have a natural, very appealing flair to your writing that I really like.” He thought this story was too flat though, and that I should find an area of writing that better “suited my talent”. Teachers don’t really compliment my work ever, so hearing that he likes the way I write was very encouraging. It is something I’ve done since I was a kid, after all. On Thursday, I walked around campus with my ginormous suitcase, turning in final papers and making sure my library books were turned in. Then I headed to eat lunch with Melanie before getting on a train to Heathrow airport. Melanie left two days after me, so a final jacket potato with tuna at Café Olé was just the sort of goodbye we needed…
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