The next morning, Lindsey, her friend from home Rachel, and I headed to Paris at 4 in the morning. We didn't go to bed that night, so by the time we got on the train, we were f.r.i.e.d, like a funnel cake. We arrived in london, and after a few minor hassles, and way too much money for transportation later, we got on a plane (with so so much less hassle than our flight to belfast) to Paris. We arrived in Paris at 2:30 in the afternoon and took a train to Gare Du Nord, a train station near our host's house so that she could meet us. Her name is Paola. Side note: she is amazing. I used my amazing French speaking skills to get us tickets at the train station. I do mean not amazing, by the way. I knew about three phrases in French. By the way, as much as we love Paris and Parisians, people in Paris dont like Americans. Only a random few are actually charmed by the "ya'lls" and loud voices. Contrasting to the attitudes of the British, who mostly love Americans. So anyway, we get to Gare Du Nord, and I say, "Hey let's get flowers for Paola". While Lindsey and Rachel wait in a café, I hunt down some flowers in the train station. The guy didn't know English, but it was fun trying to talk to him and figure out prices. After he wrapped up three flowers for me, I realized they were 3.50 euro for EACH flower, and I was like "ooooh no no no....uhh...just uh...un fleur", while holding up the number one. He looks slightly peeved but gives me my request, re-wrapping the flowers. All the while I get a text from Paola asking where I am and that she's waiting for me outside. Dang it. Ok, while the guy tries to get my phone number (he's MAYBE 50), I say "ok um, i need to hurry". So I pay and flee with my silly little flower. I run up the stairs, and two random extremely gross-looking guys sidle up next to me and ask me for my number. No no no no. I sheepishly back away and go to find my friends. We meet up, and I say "let's go! paola is outside". So we run outside, find paola, and I shove the flower into her arms. "THANK YOU!" She's grateful, we chat all the way on the train to her friend's house where we're staying for the night. She was busy that night and couldn't keep us. The guys are precious precious, so so sweet. Steven and Tber. They have a wonderful flat with a little balcony, and they offer to make us a Moroccan dinner. We say we might join them when we get back from seeing the Louvre. So we rush off to the Louvre, thinking we have plenty of time. We don't. We get there and it's closing. So we're starving at this point and walk around paris to find some place to eat and maybe go by the tour eiffel (eiffel tower) to see the lights at night. We get so lost. For hours. We can't figure out how to get back to the guy's apartment, and THEN. the best part. my phone runs out of money. And i can't put more on it, cuz I'm not in the UK, and it's a UK phone. So we can't get ahold of the guys or paola to figure out directions to the guys house. Finally, after walking everywhere, snapping at each other, and stopping in mcdonalds to calm our hearts with some french fries and hot chocolate, us three crazy americans find the right bus and get back to the guy's. they're waiting for us to eat dinner. It's 2 in the morning. We feel really horrible, stuff some of their DELICIOUS food (Tber is an amazing cook) into our already full tummys, take showers, and fall asleep in the big bed they let us borrow for the night. Lindsey falls asleep in front of her computer, and I in my comfortable little ball, knees pulled up to my nose.
The next day, we get up and dressed, still a bit drowsy, and plan our day. We decide to go see the eiffel tower and walk around parks and such. To start the day, we get our pastries, my favorite thing called Pain au chocolate (croissant with chocolate in the middle)
They also had these delectable chocolates:
We walked around the city all day, taking fun pictures and being cold (i forgot my jacket in Wales...i would)'s a few of the pictures we took. I love Paris, by the way. and I want to go back very soon. Some people I would love to see paris with: Philip, Ashleigh and her boyfriend (he speaks french), and amanda (because she would love it here and hasn't ever been). Also my mom and dad and my sisters would love paris. I wish they could be here with me.
That night, we ate at a luscious restaurant, and I tried escargot (!!). p.s. this:

It wasn't awful. just really salty and pesto-y and mushy. My pasta even had mushrooms in it, which you should be impressed about cuz i hate mushrooms. i think i was just really hungry.
We went to Montemarte (Mo-maht) also...this is where the movie Amelie was filmed. We saw several sites where the movie was filmed, and that made me so excited. It was GORGEOUS. I think montemarte is my favorite part of paris. the basilica called Sacré-Cœur is also in montemarte. got some pictures of that. I could also see a ton of paris from there which was awesome. While in montemarte, we met two precious guys (Aly and Adam) who showed us around and got us free chocolate crepes from his friend's crepe shop. They were delicious. They also took us to the Moulin Rouge, which I wasn't very impressed by. Too many lights. Looked too modern and reminded me of what i think las vegas looks like. I was sad to say goodbye to Aly and Adam, but I added them on facebook. Aly's best quote of the night, "I don't understand that american phrase 'go with the flow'. I just wonder, who is Flow?" ha. That night we went to Paola's and took funny pictures in front of this door with mirrors in part of it and windows in the other part of it.
Later we fell asleep watching Amelie. Woke up the next day and went to the Louvre. It was awesome. There, I had another Pain au Chocolate. I think chocolate in the morning is a good idea always. we saw Mona Lisa. I really liked her.
Then went to Notre Dame, and Lindsey and Rachel left to catch their flight back to London. I walked around aimlessly, got some of the best gelato I've ever was part chocolate and part hazelnut/chocolate. That was like really good Nutella (which i am now addicted to, p.s.). I got a text from Paola's room mate while walking around and it said "where are you? we're worried about you". I felt awful, because we couldnt get in touch with her because I can't call or text anyone (cuz i have no money on my phone, remember?) But i can RECEIVE texts. sigh. So I walked around and tried to find an internet connection so I could at least email paola. I figured out that a mcdonald's had a connection, but i couldn't find mcdonalds. So I stopped a random person and asked my famous question "Excusemoi, vous parlez anglay?" (do you speak english...i think i just butchered the spelling). He said yes, and I asked him where McDonald's was. He said "Well, I know a place better than mcdonalds, but it is cheap same way. Just down the street. Here, I show you." I laugh and explain i need the internet, and he didn't really know how to help me. So I explained my dilemma and how i needed to get in touch with my couch-surfing host. He let me use his phone, and while we waited for a response for Paola's room mate (which we got eventually, and it was all fine then), we chatted, and I found out he is from Rome (and he is connected with couch surfing and might let me and lindsey and melanie stay with him in a few weeks! yay). We walked around some more and decided to go to Montemarte again. He is a cool guy, and after riding around on a train, we finally exchanged names. His name is Mirka. And he knew I had a boyfriend because we talked about how i was going to see him in May in South Africa (so dont worry, philip. smile). At montemarte, we saw the basilica again, and I got a painting for me and some souvenirs for my mom and sisters. Afterwards, I decided to go back to Paola's, cuz I was exhausted. I hung out there and watched Amelie AGAIN :) with Paola's room mate, Mery. Then I slept peacefully.
Today I woke up at 12 and since then I have been sitting in St. Christopher's Hostel, where my room mate from Knoxville, Hannah, is staying this week. I decided while I waited to write in my blog. I will continue to wait, because I must see her. We cannot be in the same city for 4 days and not see each other once. My flight leaves for London at 9:45 tonight. Also, I leave on Thursday for my 4 week excursion across europe with Lindsey and Melanie.
For those of you interested, by the way, here is my itinerary for the 4 weeks. If you aren't interested, stop reading now. :D
March 18-22: Barcelona (staying in a rented apartment near the ocean with 12 American friends i have from Wales
March 22-25: Prague, Czech Republic (staying with Lindsey's good friend from home)
March 25-27: Salzburg, Austria (probably staying in a hostel)
March 27-29: Esslingen, Germany (Staying with my bro-in-law's good friend)
March 29-April 2: Geneva, Switzerland (staying with a sweet couch-surfer named Hannah)
April 2-April 5: Rome, Italy (maybe staying with my friend, Mirko, who I talked about up there ^ )
April 5-7: Florence, Italy (probably staying in a hostel)
April 7-12: Venice Italy (staying with Lindsey's good friend form home)
April 12-17: Inverness, Scotland (staying with my good friend, Rhona)
April 18: Arrive back in Swansea.
love you guys and miss you a ton.

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