I adore her. She is the most precious fluffy being on the planet. And I can hardly handle 2 things: when she has to stay in her cage for very long, and the tail wag that slows and eventually ceases in despair. Today I left the house and closed the door, and she thought she would get to come too. However, I commanded a quick "stay", and left. As I walked to my car, I looked back, and her anticipating tail wag had slowed to barely moving and then stopped. She sat and looked at me with mournful eyes. And though I was leaving for approximately an hour, I felt like the betrayer of puppies. I feel like leaving my crying kids in the nursery will be a picnic, cuz they'll get over it. And whiney kids are annoying anyway so it'll be easy to leave. But dogs are only kind and forgiving and surely furry reminders of God's infinite grace. How do I keep something like that in a cage?
The other thought I had was something Philip brought up. What if instead of adderall, people used horse blinders. That would be awesome. Imagine the library full of hard working students with blinders hooked to their heads for extra concentration. I think all I really need is for Facebook to not exist. Then I would get so much done.

Oh, side note. My attempts at eating healthier have been more successful since that last post. Thanks to Abby's blog: I am much much much more informed about things that are better for you and things that are not. Regular additions to my grocery cart include organic coconut oil (as opposed to olive oil), Ezekiel bread, organic cereal (without high fructose corn syrup), and mostly organic veggies. (if you're going to eat a vegetable, it might as well have nutrients and flavor to its highest potential, minus most of the pesticides)...

Another side note...philip and I are getting married in two weeks. it's me and him. and we'll see if there is any room in our subsistence lifestyle for anything organic. I feel like our pantry will be things like this: